Friday 23 April 2010

Freebies on a Friday

Check out this Friday Freebie from Bugaboo Stamps!

I've used this camping Stella image to make an Emergency Rations Box for when we go to camp with the Cubs! What's the ration? Well, chocolate of course. Go check it ut and download it now (and there's also a cool cheerleading monkey too)


Rae Anne said...

Nature. . .get it the HELL off of me!!! This is a wonderful project Paul - I'm sure your Cubs appreciate your preparedness. . .So would many women suffering PMS. . .;)

The Spotted Chick said...

Bwah-ha-ha-ha!! OMG, this is a hoot Paul! This is GREAT!

Min said...

You can NEVER go wrong with a Chocolate filled "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" box!
Great work!
Happy Days!