Sunday, 21 December 2008
A reason for making Galaxy Chocolate bars bigger...
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Choccie Bar
Linanna's Blog Candy
Friday, 19 December 2008
Some more...
Also made some quick cards with the Pink Petticoat 'Tis the Season' set. It came in useful for some quick and easy, last minute cards. I haven't used much of this set this year but it'll be ready for next year.
Also, I went to pick up my Blush pen today and an Ivory just happened to fall in too (I had predicted this would happen). Imagine the shock I had when I got to the till and saw that another 13 had 'fallen' into the basket too!!! As you can imagine, I was gobsmacked - well it would have been a lot of work to go back and return them to their original boxes again so I've given them a new home with me!!!
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
New buy
So here's my first attempt at using them. I was amazed at how well the color comes out - no streaking at all just a pure block of consistent colour. The wording on the bottom is 'We wish you a merry Christmas...' in Welsh. The faces look a bit pale as I used a watercolour pencil which hasn't come out well in the pic.
I liked the card but had another go using different colours - I think I prefer this one as the colours are more traditional and vibrant.
And here's the one I'm working on using only shades of blue for the clothes. The faces are still white as I'm going to wait for my Blush pen.
Thanks to Elaine, Poppet and Wendy for suggesting Ivory for skin tone - that might fall into the basket when I collect my blush pen!!!
BTW If you thought my spelling was gettng worse now that I've left teaching and strugged to read the post - it hasn't, just a dodgy keyboard which needs replacing - I think I've corrected all the missing letters now!!!
Monday, 15 December 2008
Some quickies
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Cards for the Infants (of sorts!)
Seeing as time is running out, I started on my cards for the school children. I wanted to make a different shaped card for the little ones. I wanted to make a triangular card but ended up coming across this template when looking at the Pink Petticoat blog.
So they're not getting a 'card' in the strictest sense as the will be getting a pyramid box instead. Here's close up.
A bit of a cheat
Secondly, they made matching boxes using the same techniques but on boxes. The used the same penguin but an eskimo for the other side. The snowflakes on the coloured sides have silver gel pen accents on them to add some sparkle.
Hope you like them and sorry that I didn't make them myself!