No prizes for guessing my fave stamp at the moment!!! Simply chalked, bugged and watercoloured. His nose, the bee and the hill have then been coloured with clear Sakura glaze pen. I think that the brown chalking makes the image look quite different to when it is used with bright colours.
yeah! its much better,
Much better, I agree!! Love the image as well. Paul, how did you do the brown lines at the bottom? Is it paper or did you do them yourself cos they look brill!! Love the boxes you've been making as well. I haven't got the die but I might just get it now cos you did a fab job with them x
Dawny - the lines have been made using a Cuttlebug folder and then chalked again to highlight them.
What a stunning card the colours are fantastic well done hun xxxx
So cute! I love the chalking and embossing
This is great, I can colour with pens and pencils but chalks defeat me!
I love his wet nose!! he he
Elizabeth xx
I love his wet nose!! he he
Elizabeth xx
I love this card Paul! You've got a great effect with the chalk there, really soft :)
Liz x
This is lovely Paul I really like the way you chalk your cards
Wendy x
Gorgeous card, the embossing looks great. x
This card looks really good with the chalking Paul. I have so much trouble with chalks. Im never happy with the end result. Lindax
Tu tarjeta está simpatiquisima, es de esas tarjetas que te pintan una sonrisa al verlas, muy linda.
Saludos desde México.
Too CUTE! I love little dogs and your use of chalk is really different.
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